10 Mental Models for Learning Anything

10 Mental Models for Learning Anything

A mental model is a general idea that can be used to explain many different phenomena. Supply and demand in economics, natural selection in biology, recursion in computer science, or proof by induction in mathematics — these models are everywhere once you know to look for them. Just as understanding supply and demand helps you reason about economics problems, understanding mental models of…

10 Best Ways To Use ChatGPT (With Examples)

10 Best Ways To Use ChatGPT (With Examples)

Using applications like ChatGPT requires some care. Part of the difficulty is that ChatGPT’s human-like conversation abilities can be deceptive. Feeling like you’re talking to a real person encourages you to rely on conversational expectations that may not hold with a machine. For instance, we generally expect that most people do not make up facts. Large…

What The Attempted Cancellation of Andrew Huberman Should Teach All Creators.

What The Attempted Cancellation of Andrew Huberman Should Teach All Creators.

#2: When a dog is scared, it barks. The cancellation party is coming after Andrew Huberman. His ideas of natural and behavioral health changes have made him a superstar in a world of prescription pills, trends, and fad diets. But it’s also made him enemies in powerful places. Who exactly? The pharmaceutical industry. Empowering people…

The ridiculously simple method to find $1,000,000 ideas even if you’re not a genius.

The ridiculously simple method to find $1,000,000 ideas even if you’re not a genius.

I solve my own problems. In startup language: Scratch your own itch. Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, which powers servers around the world, solved his own problem. My mentor who built the startup that became Apple Maps and sold it to them for 1 billion, solved his own problem. He had issues figuring out how to…

The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI.

The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI.

We have witnessed a multi-generational decline in reading comprehension. We read less, retain less of what we read, and struggle to engage in critical analysis. And if this trend continues, we risk undermining the very foundations of our society. In the bite-sized content and viral media age, too many of us have lost — or…

What Comes After A.I.

What Comes After A.I.

The next startup frontier rebuilds reality. Prepare for Deep Tech. Atoms Not Bits Deep tech is having a bit of a moment. Those familiar with the recent ‘Gundo’ hackathon will understand the growing excitement. You might be wondering, ‘What exactly is deep tech, and why is it a hot topic among VCs on Twitter?” What “deep tech”…

How To Tell Visual Stories Like A Popstar—Steal Dua Lipa’s Brilliant Visual Storytelling Secrets

How To Tell Visual Stories Like A Popstar—Steal Dua Lipa’s Brilliant Visual Storytelling Secrets

When was the last time that you gave your visuals some real thought? I’m talking about every single element of the visual presentation being an intentional choice. It’s okay if your brow furrowed, or a mental loop of crickets started playing in your head, or a “footage not found” popped up. As a designer, I’ve come to…