Is Blogging Dead?

Is Blogging Dead?

I got on Zoom with a content marketing agency owner the other day. He asked me about starting a newsletter business. And I asked him about the reality of running a content marketing agency. An exchange of ideas. “I could have expletives on the homepage and nobody would notice,” he said about his agency website. “It’s all…

10 Mental Models for Learning Anything

10 Mental Models for Learning Anything

A mental model is a general idea that can be used to explain many different phenomena. Supply and demand in economics, natural selection in biology, recursion in computer science, or proof by induction in mathematics — these models are everywhere once you know to look for them. Just as understanding supply and demand helps you reason about economics problems, understanding mental models of…

What The Attempted Cancellation of Andrew Huberman Should Teach All Creators.

What The Attempted Cancellation of Andrew Huberman Should Teach All Creators.

#2: When a dog is scared, it barks. The cancellation party is coming after Andrew Huberman. His ideas of natural and behavioral health changes have made him a superstar in a world of prescription pills, trends, and fad diets. But it’s also made him enemies in powerful places. Who exactly? The pharmaceutical industry. Empowering people…

The ridiculously simple method to find $1,000,000 ideas even if you’re not a genius.

The ridiculously simple method to find $1,000,000 ideas even if you’re not a genius.

I solve my own problems. In startup language: Scratch your own itch. Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, which powers servers around the world, solved his own problem. My mentor who built the startup that became Apple Maps and sold it to them for 1 billion, solved his own problem. He had issues figuring out how to…

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Leadership

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Leadership

“There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more important than meeting our basic human needs.” — Simon Cohen In 1943 psychologist Abraham Maslow coined the idea of The Hierarchy of Human Needs, and how human motivation and behavior can be mapped to these needs. At the most basic level, we have biological needs — food, shelter, warmth, and safety. Once…