The ridiculously simple method to find $1,000,000 ideas even if you’re not a genius.


I solve my own problems.

In startup language: Scratch your own itch.

Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, which powers servers around the world, solved his own problem.

My mentor who built the startup that became Apple Maps and sold it to them for 1 billion, solved his own problem. He had issues figuring out how to move through the bustle of mazes that was the New York City transportation system. It was a problem he had, he solved it, and he won.

This is how I’ve also come up with all the ideas I’ve had so far.

It was the same for Suzy Batiz. Founder of Poo Pourri, a company that reached $1 million in revenue in 1 year and is now worth over $240 million.

It happened right under her nose when her husband stunk up the bathroom. What if there was a way to get rid of the lingering smell in a bathroom after going number two? She started experimenting with fragrance oils, and she soon discovered that odors could be eliminated when her “magic potion” was put in the toilet before you pooped.

After a few improvements, she put her magic potion into a spray bottle,
and the idea for “Poo-Pourri, Before You Go” spray was born.

Within a few years, Poo-Pourri had done more than $400 million in sales.

Excerpt from 12 months to a million, Ryan Daniel Moran

How you can find $1,000,000 ideas as a non-genius like I do.

I find things that frustrate me.

I really dislike cooking. Especially now that it’s either salt got saltier, my taste buds got more sensitive, or my cooking intuition is faulty cause my food has been coming out saltier. I don’t want to disturb myself about stuff like this, shopping for groceries or thinking of what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I’m thinking of hiring a private chef as soon as I can.

My time is becoming increasingly more important and the more of it I can get back the better. Many entrepreneurs also have this problem. I could find some chefs to partner with and serve entrepreneurs a week’s worth of food. I would do a subscription model with the entrepreneurs and do revenue sharing with the chefs. I don’t even have to do the work.

Other frustrations I have are:

  • I hate my note-taking system. I forget to follow up on things and it’s difficult to find what I need later.
  • Cleaning my apartment.
  • Washing dishes.
  • Washing my clothes.
  • Managing my calendar.
  • Not following my schedule.
  • It takes me too long to fall asleep, 1–2 hours. Sometimes I have sleepless nights.
  • My brain is too active which causes mental overload.

Take a few minutes with a paper and pen. Write down 10 problems you had over the last week. Check for:

  • Time-wasting activities.
  • Activities you find boring.
  • Activities that make you sad or angry.

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