10-minute SEO Blast That You Can Do, Now.

10-minute SEO Blast That You Can Do, Now.

 10-minute SEO Blast That You Can Do, Now. and all you need is Wi-Fi! šŸ§Ø Spy on your competitors with builtwith.com and find out: – What their CMS is– How they track data– Locations they’re targeting– Which apps and plugins they’re using– Marketing channels they’re focusing onand so much more Use this information to: – Inspire action…

Quick, intuitive decision-making, Neuroscience

Quick, intuitive decision-making, Neuroscience

– A bat and a ball costs a $1.10 The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does a ball cost? Believe it or not, the answer to the question has less to do with math and more to do with the science of decision-making. There are two distinct systems used in decision-making, and each leads to unique tactics that…

If you want a job in a new industry, you need to go beyond ā€œgetting the knowledge.ā€

If you want a job in a new industry, you need to go beyond ā€œgetting the knowledge.ā€

I work with a lot of career changers. I hear the same thing from many of them: ā€œI took X course on Udemy.ā€ ā€œI got certified in Y.ā€ ā€œIā€™ve been reading tons of books on [New Industry].ā€ That is AWESOME! Itā€™s exactly what you should (and need to) do as a starting point. But hereā€™s…

Back-to-back meetings are messing our brains.

Back-to-back meetings are messing our brains.

Here’s some cool research from Microsoft. Microsoftā€™s Human Factors Lab measured the brain activity of 14 individuals. For those *with breaks* b/w meetings:– Their brains were steady and experienced “coolness.” For those *without breaks* b/w meetings– Their stress increased with time, suggesting a “buildup of stress.” It’s almost 2023. Either we need to fix meetings…

Are You Being Quiet Fired?

Are You Being Quiet Fired?

As companies face tightening budgets, many may be considering trimming their workforce. But of course, outright layoffs are expensive and risky. Thatā€™s why some have turned to a subtler strategy: quiet firing, or intentionally creating a hostile work environment that encourages people to leave ā€œvoluntarily.ā€ Here are the signs. Changes related to work responsibilities:ā€¢ Reassigning…