Is Blogging Dead?

Is Blogging Dead?

I got on Zoom with a content marketing agency owner the other day. He asked me about starting a newsletter business. And I asked him about the reality of running a content marketing agency. An exchange of ideas. “I could have expletives on the homepage and nobody would notice,” he said about his agency website. “It’s all…

7 Things I Got Right About Marketing Myself as a Solo Business

7 Things I Got Right About Marketing Myself as a Solo Business

Until 2021, I’d never worked in marketing. I was a tech executive who joined The Great Resignation and quit my job, pivoting to content marketing and journalism. About 18 months later, I became a full-time freelancer. I’d done some marketing when I worked in tech, but it was haphazard at best and only because the company didn’t…

The book that transformed how I tell stories with data

The book that transformed how I tell stories with data

Cole Nussbaumer’s “Storytelling with Data” should be on every data professional’s shelf I’ll never forget a particularly tense meeting a few years back. I was presenting a report to a group of stakeholders, and I’d spent hours crafting charts and graphs, layering in as much data as possible. Each slide was a carefully constructed masterpiece —…

8 Behaviors That Lead to Loss of Trust As a Manager

8 Behaviors That Lead to Loss of Trust As a Manager

What’s the most important factor that impacts an employee’s motivation at work? The level of trust they feel towards their manager. High levels of trust make them feel valued, energize them to work harder, and make them persist through difficulties and setbacks. Knowing that they’re being looked after keeps them focused on the task without being…

5 Tiny Leadership Habits You Can Do in Under 5 Minutes for Massive Results

5 Tiny Leadership Habits You Can Do in Under 5 Minutes for Massive Results

Management is complex, but it doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you have read James Clear’s book Atomic Habits, you know that small actions can lead to massive results. A recent study found that 58% of employees trust a stranger more than their boss. Surprising, right? But what if changing that perception took less than 5 minutes…

Planete Paralele

Planete Paralele

Shoqëri e sfilitur në palcë. Një nga sfidat më të mëdha që ne kemi, është të kuptojmë çfarë kemi brënda boshtit të kokës, pavarësisht se dukemi zotërues të kafkave tona, por as që ja kemi haberin fare sesi e kanë pushtuar dhe kontrolluar. Irritohemi, terbohemi pa e ditur arsyen fiks se çfarë po ndodh me…