10 Books on Productivity. This 1 Technique Changed Everything

10 Books on Productivity. This 1 Technique Changed Everything

Productivity is a funky topic now. There’s hundreds of productivity books, gurus, and philosophies — it can all feel a bit too much. And even a bit counter-productive. Over the past 3 years, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon on my own search to find the “secret” to doing more. This meant reading books, listening to…

The 4-Step Framework to Solve Almost Any Problem Like Top Strategy Consultants

The 4-Step Framework to Solve Almost Any Problem Like Top Strategy Consultants

A practical guide to the powerful 4S method with examples for anyone. How do you solve big problems? How do you answer difficult questions in life and business? Is there a systematic approach that fits any situation? There is. Luckily in university, I had a complete course about systematic problem solving taught by a senior…

Of My 50+ Self-Help Reads, Only These 5 Have *Actually* Changed My Life

Of My 50+ Self-Help Reads, Only These 5 Have *Actually* Changed My Life

Actual goldmines proving to yield lifelong returns — in terms of joy, productivity, success, wisdom, and (spiritual) growth. 100,000+ self-help books exist today — and 15000+ new ones join the fray every year. How in the world do we navigate this ocean? Success gurus’ recommendations? Goodreads reviews? Celebrity reading lists? “More For You” algorithmic picks? Serendipity? Book-bloggers’ list(icle)s?…

5 Awesome Quotes From Carl Jung That Will Help Make You a Better Leader

5 Awesome Quotes From Carl Jung That Will Help Make You a Better Leader

Steal some wisdom from the ages. Understanding human psychology is a leadership cheat code. It gives you insights into those you lead, and helps you understand yourself. Despite being dead for 70 years, many people still love Carl Jung. And while you don’t need to love him too, you can still learn some powerful lessons…

Understanding the World’s Most Fundamental Problems

Understanding the World’s Most Fundamental Problems

The key to a sensible roadmap for navigating the 21st century. Our story begins about 300 millennia ago when Homo sapiens started roaming the African plains. We roamed, hunted, and gathered diligently for the next 290 millennia before civilization finally dawned with the discovery that agricultural settlements offer a more convenient solution. By the time…

Economic Secrets You’re Not Suppose to Know

Economic Secrets You’re Not Suppose to Know

What they taught you in school barely scratches the surface of economic reality. Why it matters: You must understand what drives economic change to discover financial opportunities. Behind the scenes: Most news is just noise that captures clicks, followers, and likes. What to watch: The economy runs on electricity, oil, food, and metals. Between the…

Emailing and Calling Your Leads Doesn’t Work Anymore, Try This Instead

Emailing and Calling Your Leads Doesn’t Work Anymore, Try This Instead

I’m sure you’ve told yourself and received advice from many different people telling you to: “Call all your leads! Follow-up relentlessly! Dial, dial dial! Just email them over and over!” And that still didn’t work for you. Presumably, you got a 10–15% connect rate on your calls, even on leads who’ve opted in through your…