4 Steps to Making a Successful Career Change
If you’ve wondered what it would be like to quit your job and explore a new path this past year, you’re in the majority.
In 2021 alone, nearly 50 million Americans quit or changed careers. That number is expected to rise in 2022, with 74% of workers ready to learn new skills to remain employable.
Whether you’re looking to explore a side hustle or join an entirely different field, it can be daunting to leave one role and start something new.
You might struggle with questions about whether you’re making the right decision, if you’re ready emotionally or when should you make the leadp, if at all.
Scroll to learn about some strategies to help you switch your careers.

Adapted from “4 Steps to Making a Successful Career Change,” by Ben Laker, Vijay Pereira, Nasrin Asgari, and Reza Zanjirani Farahani. Artist credit: Kenzo Hamazaki (@kz.hz )