I’ve collected 9 frameworks I use everyday that have helped me sell companies, hire top talent, love life and build communities of millions of people

I’ve collected 9 frameworks I use everyday that have helped me sell companies, hire top talent, love life and build communities of millions of people

I can’t live without them and maybe you can’t either:  1. How to boost your productivity: – Keep a productivity journal– Time box your day (time for areas of focus)– Set a timer (Google the “Pomodoro technique”)– Exercise everyday– Take small breaks (Google “Fika”)– “Great acts are made of small deeds”– Find work you love…

Top-15 Big Data companies

Top-15 Big Data companies

It is hard not to feel overwhelmed and confused with vast amounts of information passing through us as individuals today. Let alone the volume of data business companies have to deal with. Customer data, behavior trends, product preferences, location, availability, specifications, and so on and so on. Hence, big data solutions have emerged to help…