I Read 100 Marketing Books. Here’s The 10 Best Lessons From Them.

I Read 100 Marketing Books. Here’s The 10 Best Lessons From Them.

Ten lessons that have personally made the biggest impact on my marketing. As a marketer, you can only gain so much knowledge in your daily work. I mean, think about it. There are only so many campaigns you can run at once, so much social media content you can create, and so many rows of data you…

10 Books on Productivity. This 1 Technique Changed Everything

10 Books on Productivity. This 1 Technique Changed Everything

Productivity is a funky topic now. There’s hundreds of productivity books, gurus, and philosophies — it can all feel a bit too much. And even a bit counter-productive. Over the past 3 years, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon on my own search to find the “secret” to doing more. This meant reading books, listening to…

Of My 50+ Self-Help Reads, Only These 5 Have *Actually* Changed My Life

Of My 50+ Self-Help Reads, Only These 5 Have *Actually* Changed My Life

Actual goldmines proving to yield lifelong returns — in terms of joy, productivity, success, wisdom, and (spiritual) growth. 100,000+ self-help books exist today — and 15000+ new ones join the fray every year. How in the world do we navigate this ocean? Success gurus’ recommendations? Goodreads reviews? Celebrity reading lists? “More For You” algorithmic picks? Serendipity? Book-bloggers’ list(icle)s?…