How to Create Powerful Storylines in Business Like Top Consultants Do

How to Create Powerful Storylines in Business Like Top Consultants Do

Storytelling is a superpower anyone can learn. It’s the ability to structure information that aligns with how the human mind works. Information is like food. We can only digest it if it comes in a certain way. Storytelling = Information in a format that makes the human mind want more of it, not less. I…

First rule of strategy

First rule of strategy

It actually comes back to what I like to think of as the first rule in strategy. You want to pursue opportunities that are big and that you are uniquely positioned to solve for your customers. This is at the center of every great company. Amazon in e-commerce, Disney in building a meaningful connection with characters that you love. Nike in performance apparel. Each of…

How long should it take to make an online business profitable?
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How long should it take to make an online business profitable?

The amount of time required to create an online business can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of business, the complexity of the business model, the level of experience of the entrepreneur, and the resources available. In general, it is important to note that creating a successful online business is…