

Teksa po shkoja për tek makina, sepse do nisesesha për punë, i dashur lexues, verej që kishin dal në dritare dhe më vune re me një shikim të lehtë. Ndez makinen dhe nisem. Ndaloj tek vijat e bardha për kembësoret, por nuk kishte njeri, sepse 5 hapa me tej po kalonin rrugen. Ndonjehere te lind…

Neuromarketing: Who Decides What You Buy?

Neuromarketing: Who Decides What You Buy?

People who have found themselves indulging in clothing trends, jiving to mainstream music, or frequenting the local Starbucks can see that companies spend billions a year researching how to perpetuate such conformity. What people may not know is that the advertising itself is becoming far more scientifically advanced. Neuromarketing is an emerging branch of neuroscience…